
Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Comic Stip in a hundred years

Hello bloggers ,
Today I have been learning about handerd years and it is a book an then I had to make a comic strip about it .A comic stip is when you put arts of the story's and you have some photos about the book.And I had to add some speck bubbles .

Their was a document and also their was a tinplate to put your photos in my teacher got the comic stip ready for my whole group .Tacking the photo if was a little bit hard because the camra was different and the left means right and the right means left .But I fingered it out and I got use to the cama and I was tacking much beater photos .And I did some boxes and the explanes mare information to the picker then the speck spech bubble because it is very little the spech bubbles .And also I had to cope some photos and it was very very esey because I did it before in other pitchers before the last one .

Thankm you for reading my blog post .I hope you have a wonderful day.

By Mandita

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